London trumpeter Nick Walters returns with brilliant cosmic jazz album using NASA space samples
One of London’s most forward-thinking artists and trumpeters, Nick Walters, returns with an incredible new experimental cosmic jazz album, titled Singularity, which is built around audio samples recorded by NASA in space.
Released on his label D.O.T. Records and recorded in his home studio, this brilliant eight-track recording utilizes a wide variety of space samples, including audio clips taken by the Cassini spacecraft as it studied Jupiter, Saturn, and their many moons, as well as whistler waves picked up by NASA’s Van Allen Probe as it passed around Earth, and interstellar plasma sounds picked up by the Voyager probe after leaving the Solar System. The samples are combined with adventurous spaced-out jazz funk and fusion grooves from a superb cast of UK’s finest musicians, including Ruby Rushton drummer Tim Carnegie, 22a Music’s Tenderlonious on flute, and some stellar guitar playing from Thibaut Remy. The session also features a heavy dose of Juno-106 synth melodies and textures.
Walters dedicates the album to Professor Roger Penrose, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics and the scientist who alongside Stephen Hawking did so much to develop theoretical understanding of singularities and black holes.
Inspired by the visual style of Stanley Kubrick’s classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey, the amazing artwork was created by Lorna Robertson, who also did the album covers for Walters’ last two recordings, Implicate Order (2021) and Active Imagination (2019). Limited-edition high-quality prints of the artwork are currently available of Walters’ bandcamp page.
Overall, this is an absolute phenomenal album from Walters and crew, a cosmic excursion that will surely have listeners orbiting through different galaxies and dimensions. Highly recommended!
Nick Walters’ album ‘Singularity’ is officially released on February 25, 2022.

Nick Walters — ‘Singularity’
(D.O.T. Records)
- Cosmos
- Interstellar Void
- Penrose
- Event Horizon
- Enceladus
- Supernova
- Sagittarius A*
- Entropy