Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau, Carlos Niño — Subtle Movements

Cosmic pioneers Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau & Carlos Niño release ‘Subtle Movements’

Fresh off their groundbreaking collaborative release with André 3000, the spiritual cosmic jazz trio of keyboardist and Alice Coltrane disciple Surya Botofasina, guitarist Nate Mercereau, and percussionist Carlos Niño have returned to release a brilliant album as a group on the Los Angeles-based Leaving Records, titled Subtle Movements.

Featuring seven tracks and over 75 minutes of music, this highly improvisational session captures the trio completely in the moment, morphing each individual’s contributions into one unifying cosmic exploration, collectively taking the music in the direction that it naturally progresses without any limitations or known destination. The sound is meditative, spiritual, and hypnotic while having an earthy oceanetic vibe that is mesmerizing and healing.

On the recording, Botofasina plays a number of analog and MIDI-based keyboards, often at the same time, and Mercereau plays electric guitar, guitar synthesizer, and a midi-guitar sampler, where he samples the band live. Niño takes on the majority of the percussion, as well as incorporating numerous atmospheric textures via the Aerophone, drums, numerous percussion instruments and plant realms (you just have to see it live!).

Overall, this is another incredible recording from this forward-thinking trio of modern-day cosmic music explorers. Highly recommended!

Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau, Carlos Niño — Subtle Movements

Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau, Carlos Niño — ‘Subtle Movements’
(Leaving Records)

  1. Inner-connectednesses . . .
  2. So Much Love
  3. Subtle Movements
  4. We are Moving now
  5. Exploration (Sincerely)
  6. A Band That Swims Together
  7. Hearing (with Keshava at Zuma)